What they do, and the benefits of choosing custom equipmentSometimes the usual machinery just doesn’t fulfill your manufacturing needs. This can be due to the material being difficult to handle and fabricate, or standard equipment not able to machine components to a certain size or tolerance. There are a myriad […]
ZEISS Coordinate Measuring MachineWhen it comes to quality, West Engineering is committed to data-driven production. That means that we use the latest technologies in order to inspect not only our equipment, but also the products we manufacture in order to ensure they meet quality standards. One piece of quality inspection […]
West Engineering recently celebrated a century of custom building and manufacturing services. Since our beginning, we have always made it our mission to combine traditional values of quality with cutting-edge technology to provide consistency, quality, and competitive prices to our customers. A simple start Edward West Sr. founded West Engineering […]
There are a lot of tips out there for how to find a good custom equipment builder. Much of the advice tends to center around finding an experienced and flexible manufacturing partner, looking at their qualifications and quality control systems. You always want to make sure that the builder’s expertise […]
The American Society for Mechanical Engineers, or ASME, is a not-for-profit organization meant for encouraging global collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill development across the worldwide engineering community. ASME has continued to pioneer the development of standards in order to maintain a commitment to public safety as well as technological advancement. The […]
Industrial processing equipment is vital in nearly every industry one could name. This machinery is essential for turning raw materials into finished components and usable products. From food processing to equipment manufacturing, electronics to construction materials, you can find the results of industrial processing equipment everywhere in our everyday lives. The […]
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